Booking for a group visit

You don't need to provide us with precise final numbers at this stage, but please provide as accurate an estimate as is possible,

During busy periods, the daily numbers of group visits are limited, so accurate information from you at this stage will allow us to plan for the best use of resources.


9 Feb 2025


Approximate time that the group will arrive

Booking contact email address.

If we need to call someone about this booking

The name of your organisation

If we need to email someone about this booking and to send confirmation of booking

Postal address of your organisation, including postcode

The name of person making this booking and their role within the organisation

The number of children (aged2+) in the visit

The number of adults in the visit

If known, the person who will be in charge of your group on the day of the visit

Mobile phone number of the group leader (if known), so if necessary we can contact them during the visit

Approximate time that the group will depart

If required, the approximate number for tractor rides (£1 per person). Adults need to accompany children on the tractor rides.